This Metal Super Mario Bros Theme Absolutely Shreds

We’ve seen a number of musicians cover the Super Mario Brostheme song over the years, but now, finally, we’ve been blessed with djent-friendly metal version. Guitarist Steve Terreberry has given the world of Mario/metal crossovers a well-needed refresher complete with a few sight gags, and, of course, some insane guitar work.

For the uninitiated, djent is a style of metal characterised by distorted, palm-muted guitars being played very, very quickly. Terreberry pulls out all the genre stops with an assortment of djent faces, head-swivels aplenty, and a chug breakdown followed by a flurry of notes so rapid they almost sound pre-programmed (but we’re hoping not).

Terreberry proves he’s not just a guitar master from the get go with a riff on the old “blow into the cartridge to make it work” trick we all used to pull with our Nintendo Entertainment Systems. Once you’ve been blown away by Terreberry’s effort, check out a symphonic and an acapella cover of the theme tune, below, as well as another re-imagining from the world of heavy metal.

Watch: Super Mario Bros Djent

Watch: Super Mario Bros. Medley (Eminence Symphony Orchestra)

Watch: Super Mario Bros Theme Song Acapella Multitrack

Watch: Super Mario Bros Meets Metal

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