SPOD Whinges His Way Onto The Laneway 2015 Lineup

Following the uproar that ensued when Sydney’s SPOD exposed the major lineup oversight made by St Jerome’s Laneway Festival 2015 – namely that he wasn’t on it – organisers have now caved to his demands, inviting the muso to co-MC the festival’s Sydney leg, alongside Agnes DeMarco, Mac Demarco‘s mum.

“Hey @SPODemonic, what an oversight on our behalf forgetting to announce you as headliner of Laneway 2015 yesterday,” wrote Laneway on Twitter. “To make up for it we’d like to invite you (@SPODemonic) down to co-MC Sydney Laneway with @AgnesDeMarco as a thx for picking up the 2x Martini on the Rocks.”

The news is sure to be a triumph for the Sydney musician who yesterday penned a hilarious open letter to the festival, lamenting that they had broken their “gentleman’s deal” of offering him a headlining spot and demanding they reimburse exactly $26,693.92 for “5 breakfast meetings & evening cocktails at the Shangri La.”

SPOD continued to discuss the oversight issue earlier today, whilst skimming over the Laneway lineup for clues in an attempt to “figure this mess out”. “I think I prematurely pointed the finger at @Seekae,” he wrote. “Sorry boys but as Buffy would say ‘My Bad’. It’s now pretty obvious it was probably a mix up with this @POND band and some @SOHN bloke.”

He figured the festival must have mistakenly split his booking fee between these two bands, seeing as they all carry capitalised, four-letter word names. “I know of POND, they’re those trippy Perth rockers who hang out with that crazy tripper Wayne Coin but dunno this SOHN guy from a bar of soap. Not sure whether to reach out and clear the air or let a sleeping dog lie. Might ponder my next move over another cup of Joe.”

SPOD must now reflect on whether he will take Laneway up on their MC offer, or continue to battle for a monetary settlement. We will be following this closely.

Watch: SPOD – Last Dance

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