Image Via YouTube / Efrat Weisman

Watch A Heckler Take On Noel Gallagher… And Lose

There are some people in this world you just shouldn’t fuck with, and career c-unit Noel Gallagher is right up there with the Hells Angels, Liam Neeson and old mate from Breaking Bad.

But one fan at the former Oasis guitarist’s solo show in Cork, Ireland either missed the memo, or was hopped up on so much Jameson he decided to poke the bear anyway.

It was a bad time for him. But since some other smart phone-wielding hero in the crowd managed to capture the whole exchange on film, it’s a great time for us, who can now behold the verbal beatdown in all of its cringe-worthy glory.

“Where’s Liam?” the genius in the crowd hollers at Gallagher (sick one!)

“Liam’s at home looking at himself in the mirror,” the singer retorts. “Fortunately he’s still not as big as a cunt as you are.”

Aussie fans had best take heed of the swift and merciless wrath of Noel Gallagher, and recall this incident should they ever feel the urge to open their smart-ass traps next year, when the muso is scheduled to bring his live show Down Under.

Watch: Noel Gallagher And A Heckler, Cork, Ireland, 2015

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