Photo via Reclaim The Steets Facebook

Reclaim The Streets Sees Thousands Take To Sydney To Protest Lock Out Laws

Thousands of live music fans have taken to the sunny streets of Sydney this afternoon as a part of Reclaim The Streets festival to protest the current lock out laws in place in the city’s CBD which lock punters out of clubs at 1.30am, close bottle-shops at 10pm and stop the service of alcohol after 3am.

The laws have been blamed for the ridic amount of bar and live music venue closures in the past 12 months, as well as the proliferation of violence and unseemly nightlife in surrounding suburbs such as in this report which saw the likes of Newtown and Surry Hills seeing in increase in neg party vibes.

Hosting the likes of Sydney locals Magda Bytnerowicz and Simon Caldwell on the bill, the Reclaim The Streets festival kicked off at 1pm today at the fountain in Hyde Park, before the moving mini-festival made its way through Kings Cross and around to Oxford Street’s Taylor Square where the festivities continue at time of writing.

It wasn’t just the unfair lock-out laws affect on our fine city that was being protested with “Property developers, casino owners, miners, road builders and bankers,” also on the chopping block and joining the ‘UNLOCK SYDNEY’ signs out in force.

Check out the images of the event below, and keep up the good fight you bloody legends!

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