Photo: Kane Hibberd

The Smith Street Band Have Finished Recording Their New Album, Will Release It Early 2017

2016 is not even over and already we’ve got records to look forward to in 2017 with one of the first being the new Smith Street Band record.

The Aussie band have been hard at work on their fourth record, the follow-up to 2014’s Throw Me In The River, and it sounds like it’s nearly ready to go.

They had a chat with triple j giving an update on where the record is at.

“We just got back about a week ago from recording it; we recorded it in the States, and then it’ll come out early next year,” they told Veronica & Lewis.

“Yeah, we haven’t announced any of that properly…but we’re releasing it on our own new record label that we’ve just started.”

The record label they’re talking about is Pool House Records – a brand spankin’ new record label that means the boys are about as independent as you can get.

They’ve worked on the record in California with producer Jeff Rosenstock who also worked on their last record.

It’s been preceded by first single Death To The Lads which, according to the band, is about “watching people do things and complaining about it but then never actually doing anything. About wanting to grow up and change.”

“And we’re the lads as much as anyone.”

If you haven’t seen in yet, the video is well worth numerous watches as it features their Mums trying on the rockstar lifestyle.

By the sounds of it, they really gave everything to the role too with Wil Wagner from the band telling triple j, “[Mum] texted me like ‘Oh Wil, I’ve got a really sore neck from head banging too much’ and I was like ‘Mum, you’ve just got your first bangover’.”

Watch: The Smith Street Band – ‘Death To The Lads’

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