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Coda Conduct’s Matt & Alex Tribute Rap Will Make You Laugh, And Cry

This morning, Coda Conduct successfully made us cry and laugh at the same time as they unveiled their tribute rap for departing triple j Breakfast show hosts Matt & Alex live on air.

Set to the beat of Puff Daddy/Faith Evan’s I’ll Be Missing You, the homage touches on the tune-rag-waving highs, and the Ratdog lows experienced by tha boyz throughout their illustrious partnership. Sticking to their flow, Coda Conduct throw back to the departure of Tom Ballard, to the welcoming of “Mr. accidental like on a post from 09”, Matt Okine.

From there, they give the boys some comfort in their decision to move on, reassuring them they’ll be “sleeping in bed later, won’t be dressing as Sia and Chet Faker” — of course a throwback to that one time they did exactly that on the ARIA red carpet.

The bittersweet vibes don’t stop there. This morning’s Breakfast show was an absolute hazard of emotional snags, including but not limited to Alex Dyson’s dad Ian’s final album review, which included Old Man Dyso having one final dig at Okine.

To top it off, tha boyz threw back to some ancient found recordings of Tom & Alex’s community radio plugs, which are, well… super fucking cute.

Matt & Alex pack ‘er up once and for all this coming Friday, 16th December. Last week they travelled the country for their 5 Raves In 5 days series, damn near killing themselves in an effort to provide Australia with the ultimate Rave To Grave experience.

If you missed it this morning, or for some sick reason want to ugly cry all over again, here’s Coda Conduct’s tribute rap, the community radio tapes and Ian Dyson’s final review in all their glory.

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