Image: Pornhub

Steel Panther Have Premiered Their NSFW Video For ‘Poontang Boomerang’ On Pornhub

Steel Panther have gone and premiered their new video for Poontang Boomerang on Pornhub because apparently they really love the site.

“Over the years, PornHub has become like a best friend to us,” said frontman Michael Starr about the site (via Hysteria Mag).

“Sometimes it gets pretty lonely on the tour bus, and PornHub is always there to brighten our day.”

“We all thought it was time that we give back to a website that has put so much happiness into our lives,” added drummer Stix Zadinia.

While you probably expect the video to be very NSFW, it’s not actually that naughty. Sure there are dildos and plenty of skin but it’s nothing like what you’re likely to see on Pornhub if you explore further.

The most shocking thing is an add on the side asking, “Would you like to sleep with an older woman?”

The track is from the band’s fourth studio album Lower The Bar which is out 24th March.

You can watch it here and check a preview below.

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