Issue #19

In this issue: The Drones, Silversun Pickups, Young + Restless, Mary & Max, Little Red, Spod, Cloud Control

Well lucky you. Due to the fact we are running very late this week after the double whammy Easter Long Weekend the Ed Let this week is going to be rather short.

Firstly let me make clear how much I hate Easter. What sort of a public holiday is it when you can’t go to the pub? WHAT THE FUCK! I’m sorry but the whole reason to get a day off work is so you can get royally slaughtered a day earlier than you usually would. I know I can stock up the day before, which I do, but it’s never enough. Sober me never wants to let drunk me have the booze he wants, and when that happens drunk me gets back at sober me, usually by doing something stupid like stripping my stomach with DIY spirits made predominantly with oven cleaner and rotting fruit and veg.

Anyway, I could go on and on… and I will for just a sec. Jesus is a myth. The Easter Bunny raped the Duracell Bunny. Good Friday is the worst Friday of the year… but by now you’re probably tired of my idiotic rantings.

We’ve got quite a bit of goodness for you in this issue, including; The Drones, The Silversun Pickups, Young & Restless, Ron Peno from Died Pretty, The Basics and Little Red, not to mention my interview with the Oscar winning filmmakers of Mary & Max.

We also catch up with local spasmodic electro guru Spod, check in again with UK Beatbox freak Beardyman as well as showing all the best snaps from my liver raping experience on The Bacardi Express.

Also keep an eye out for me and my sexy crew as we’ll be running round the streets of Sydney in weeks to come with our video camera and Music Feeds TV T-shirts, visiting all the sexiest places the cities nooks and crannies have to offer up. Last week we dropped into Purple Sneakers where I was slapped till I was, well… purple, The High & Dry Fundraiser, Fait Accompli at The Hopetoun as well as watching those long haired and lively libidoed hipsters The Protectors smash up the stage and a few groupies for good measure.

Personally I feel as though a drunk Frenchman who’s eaten too much asparagus has urinated all up in my skull. All this work is getting to me so if you want to come help out in any way please get in contact via my email below.

If you don’t care, you’re a cunt and deserve to die choking on your mothers labia, in a nice way though. I’m a good person after all.


Music Feeds Baby, It’s Spanish For Awesome!

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