360 Tears Up Come Together Festival

A HUGE set from the man of the hour 360. Literally thousands of kids got their groove on to the dude who seemed to bust out crowd favourite after crowd favourite. Just Got Started was massive, as was Throw It Away. He played all the classics, but what made the show was his amazing stage presence. Between him and Bam Bam, who worked the backing vocals/harmony, not a single square inch of the stage remained uncharted.

The wig out visuals provided that extra element to the show, though were kept simple enough to make sure that everyone’s attention was on Sixty. There was plenty of dubstep and DnB type beats. The dude simply killed it and capped things off with his chart-topping hit Boys Like You, specially dedicated to his cheating ex. And what’s better, the show was totally drama free. If there were haters there, they didn’t show it. Awesome show Sixty; great finish to a great day!

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