Elton John Slams Madonna “She Dresses Like A Fucking Fairground Stripper, Her Career Is Over”

Oh Madge, whatever are we to do with you. It’s one thing to cop grief from an outspoken Deadmau5, but when one of the most respected acts to have come out of the last century turns on you, it might be a point to re-assess. Elton John has today turned on the iconic pop star, berating her for her recent attempt at a youthful rebranding.

John used Seven’s Sunday Night program as a platform for his opinion. Discussing with Molly Meldrum, according to The Daily Telegraph, that the once leading female musician has lost her edge, “Why is she such a nightmare? Sorry, her career is over. Her tour has been a disaster and it couldn’t happen to a bigger cunt. If Madonna had any commonsense she would have made a record like Ray of Light and stayed away from the dance stuff and just been a great pop singer and make great pop records, which she does brilliantly. But no, she had to go and prove…she looks like a fucking fairground stripper. She’s been horrible to Gaga.”

That last remark was referring to Madonna’s past comments during her MDMA tour, ripping on Gaga, pointing out similarities between her 1989 hit Express Yourself and Gaga’s recent Born This Way. Duh Madonna, we all know you did the heavy lifting for Gaga’s career, but you left it a few years too late to bring it up.

Madonna and Elton John are both up for Best Original Song, though John is tipping fellow nominee Mary J. Blige, stating, “Mary J. Blige might win it for The Help. Madonna doesn’t have a fucking chance.”

John is just the latest to join the anti-Madonna movement, joining Deadmau5, Australia, France, Londoners, the Far Right, feminists, Lady Gaga fans, Muslims and Catholics, who are all very unimpressed with the singer’s recent tour.

Elton John’s Aussie tour was announced very recently, Madonna on the other hand, recanted hers.

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