Ozzy Osbourne Takes To Facebook To Admit Drug And Alcohol Relapse

A true testament to the resilience of the human body, Ozzy Osbourne has posted a fairly odd statement on Facebook overnight, apologising to family, friends and his Black Sabbath bandmates for what he describes as “insane behaviour”. As most of us won’t fall into either of those 3 categories, Osbourne has classified that the apology comes after 18 months of “drinking and taking drugs”.

Surely Ozzy took enough drugs back in the day to keep him satisfied for life – the dude is half cut even when he’s sober. This rough patch could be attributed to the recent activity within the Black Sabbath camp but no specific reasons were provided by Ozzy. For the past 44 days, Ozzy has been totally straight and now has the clarity to see that he was “in a very dark place and was an a–hole to the people I love most”, his family.

The post came after rumours that Ozzy and Sharon had split, according to Loudwire. This statement clearly expresses, “Sharon and I are not divorcing,” though the following sentence, “I’m just trying to be a better person” indicates that he probably came real close to losing it all.

The legendary frontman has chosen a good time to pull it together. The band have just announced a run of North American tour dates and their brand new single God Is Dead is expected any day now. Hopefully he can stay on the wagon for the upcoming Australian tour dates.

Check out the full statement below.

Ozzy Osbourne Facebook apology

“For the last year and a half I have been drinking and taking drugs. I was in a very dark place and was an a–hole to the people I love most, my family. However, I am happy to say that I am now 44 days sober.

Just to set the record straight, Sharon and I are not divorcing. I’m just trying to be a better person.

I would like to apologize to Sharon, my family, my friends and my band mates for my insane behavior during this period………and my fans.

God Bless,


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