Bring Me The Horizon Release Music Video For New Single ‘Can You Feel My Heart’

UK’s – or whatever they are now – core legends Bring Me The Horizon have released the brand-new track Can You Feel My Heart from their internationally applauded album Sempiternal. The track has come hand in hand with a music video and also the idea that the band that once screamed about Telling Slater Not To Wash His Dick is long gone, but it’s not all over just yet.

Can You Feel My Heart sees them take a page from their remix album Suicide Seasons Cut Up with the track having one foot squarely planted in the electronic world, but rest assured the other is well and truly in the land of hard rock. There seems to be no sign of Skyes’ once worshipped brutal low, which have been all but totally been replaced with his raspy cleans.

As for the visuals, the latest clip from the band seems to run through the check-list of everything we’ve come to expect from a Bring Me video clip. The band, check. Something weird doing something to someone normal, check. Though fans are sure to enjoy the uniquely Sempiternal take on the concept, if they’ve even picked up on it at all.

Bring Me The Horizon will be in town very soon with Of Mice And Men and Crossfaith where they will be kicking on for a run of national tour dates, which will be their 2nd of 2013. Now regardless of their new sound that’s worthy of your fandom.

Watch: Bring Me The Horizon – Can You Feel My Heart

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