Fashion: Look Heaps Rad #3

For all those of you who don’t own a trumpet, go out and buyone! It’s a must for this summer. Picture this – you and your friends, on thebeach, rad hat, rad swimsuit and rad trumpet. Not only will this trumpet dowonders for your image at the beach, but it will also turn heads when you’rehitting the town for some dancing.

Girls, a trumpet will work with a short colourful dress butI must warn you: the trumpet can only be co-ordinated with matching accessories(eg. A silver trumpet needs silver jewellery or silver shoes to be a radensemble.) Boys, a trumpet looks best when worn with a suit, enhancing the’performer’ within.

One brilliant advantage of the trumpet is that you cansubstitute it for a gun – it’s less dangerous to carry, legal and rad. Late atnight, walking down a dodgy neighbourhood can be quite scary but with a trumpetyou can scare your attacker with one sharp blast to the face – the shitter youare at playing trumpet the better, as unpleasant noises scare off anyone. Thisaction can also attract attention so the man or woman of your dreams can comesave you.

With all this in mind, the trumpet is quite a versatilepiece of property. Sure you can learn how to play The Last Post but, let’s faceit, we admire anyone who has a trumpet in their hands.

Peace out fashion stars!!

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