9 Things To Take Away From Triple J’s Hottest 100 Of The Past 20 Years


6. Actually, there’s bugger-all hip hop in general. Or metal.

While triple j likes to give a nod to other genres with shows like Short Fast Loud, The Hip Hop Show and Roots ‘N All, their main focus is still on your standard alt rock – which shows you just how well they know their audience. Hilltop Hoods aside, there’s only 3 rap songs in the entire countdown, with just Eminem, Kanye and Coolio appearing in the latter half. You can count 2 more if you want to include both appearances from The Beastie Boys but we think they’ve got enough crossover cred with the purists to be counted on the ‘rock’ list. Metal? There’s System Of A Down and Tool, we guess. Hardcore? Traditional jazz? Nuh-uh. triple j know what they do, and they do it well.

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