Rolling Stone Awards Party: An Insider’s View

Fate has a way of working out and by chance Music Feeds TV creative director Daniel Taylor was one of six lucky Virgin Mobile winners to find himself sitting in a stretched limousine heading to the Second Annual Rolling Stone Awards VIP style … here’s what went down on the night!

Meeting in central Sydney’s Vibe hotel we checked into our rooms before heading down to the lobby to meet the other winners. Waiting for us was a rather salubrious stretched limo that casually drove us right to the front door of the Rolling Stone Awards night. An onslaught of media crew and photographers scrambled to get their best Paris Hilton shots of the ladies as they gracefully exited the car. Held in the uber cool industrial surroundings of Alexandria, a photographic studio was the perfect destination for some mutual industry schmoozing and all round back patting.

There were plenty of glitzy red carpet walkers who wishfully strutted their stuff in hope that they would catch a glimmer of interest from the surrounding media. Even the bouncers were sharply dressed and I couldn’t help having my photo taken with one of them. Seeing one of my good mates working as a photographer I organised our merry troop together to get our ten seconds of fame on the red carpet.

Left to Right: Eddie Starcic, Dennis Bilic, Paula Van Bruggen, Jacqui Hocking, Hayley Loader, Daniel Taylor

Heading inside we were rewarded with seriously intoxicating PATRON beverages and host DJ Walkie Talkie (photo below top left) spinning his tunes to a grooving audience. I was greatly amused by his tongue in cheek music selection as he brilliantly dropped King Missile’s song “Detachable Penis”. At this point I happened to meet one half of iconic electronic act Itch-E & Scratch-E… aka Andy Rantzen (photo below top right) and his lovely partner Cherry 2000 who were getting into the spirit of things. Andy and I enjoyed a good chat about analogue synthesizers and record production.

Channel V music presenter Danny Clayton was a most entertaining person to chat with as he tried out my trade mark sunnies for size. As the evening went on the sensible gradually politely excused themselves in preparation for the Big Day Out festival happening the following day. We stumbled back to our awaiting limo but not before picking up a couple of hitch hikers! All in all it was a fun-filled night and a great opportunity to chat with some infamous and notable people from the music industry. I’m not sure how people get on the guest list but if the opportunity arises again next year…..

Rolling Stone Award Winners:

The Rolling Stone Award: Paul Kelly

Artist of the Year: Angus and Julia Stone

Best Male: David Michod

Best Female: Clare Bowditch

The International Award: Arcade Fire

Mover & Shaker: Julian Assange

Album of the Year: Tame Impala

Best Live Act: Leonard Cohen

Artist to Watch: Boy and Bear

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