70-Piece Orchestra Mashes-Up Kanye West Hits & Beethoven To Create ‘Yeetoven’

A unique concert is in the works, involving a re-imagining the work of Beethoven and modern day composer/ serial tweeter Kanye West. The show of course is dubbed, Yeetoven.

Played by a 70-piece classical symphony orchestral, the show is a part of The Great Music Series hosted by the Young Musicians Foundation based in Los Angeles. It will debut in LA on April 16th.

Yeezy has previously compared himself to the classical composer at a concert in 2012, when he profoundly said: “You could go back to Beethoven and shit, but as far as this lifetime, though, this is all you got.”

A promotional video has been released, giving a short taste of the manner in which the music of West and Beethoven will be mashed together. It combines Kanye’s Blood on the Leaves with Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. “You wouldn’t intuitively think of Kanye West and Beethoven as being similar musicians”, the video voiceover says.

“Obviously they work within very different traditions. But if you listen a little closer you’ll notice a lot of similarities. Their brashness creating wild contrast, thrashing juxtapositions within a single bar of music.”

The concert is designed to sonically illustrate the similarities between Kanye West’s album Yeezus and a variety of pieces by Beethoven, slowly but surely intertwining the two until the result is a total mashup.

Even if you’re not convinced of the musical similarity between the two artists, it’s difficult to argue with the voiceover that: “Their willingness to ruthlessly upend tradition and their influence on the larger culture can’t be overstated.”

Watch: Yeetoven – The Great Music Series (Promo Video)


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