Competition: Double Pass to the Preview of John Woo’s Red Cliff

Want a free double pass to see a sneak preview of John Woo’s Red Cliff?

redlciffWell our friends at Icon Film Distribution have come through again this time offering up a swagload of double passes to Woo’s new period action epic. Packed full of Woo’s usual mix of stylised vioelnce and innovative cinematography, Red Cliff tells the story of feudal China’s war on the kingdoms of Xu and East Wu, a conflict that makes Saving Private Ryan look like Sgt Bilko and changed the shape of China forever. The screenings are taking place over the weekend of July 17 – 19 so get in quick before we run out.

All you need to do to enter is send your name, email and postal adress to We will be drawing the winners on July 13th.

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