Creamfields Playing Times and Venue Maps + Steve Angello Cancels All Appearances

The international Creamfields festival is gearing up to hit Australia for the first time very soon, with national tour dates kicking off tomorrow in Sydney. To make things easy for you, we’ve collected the playing times and venue maps for all four stops on the tour below:

Sydney, Saturday 1st May

Playing Times | Venue Map

Perth – Sunday 2nd May

Playing Times | Venue Map

Brisbane – Monday 3rd May

Playing Times | Venue Map

Melbourne – Saturday 8th May

Playing Times | Venue Map

In other Creamfields related news, Steve Angello has been forced to cancel all of his appearances due to a family emergency. Here’s what organisers had to say a few minutes ago:

Due to a serious family medical issue, Steve Angello will not be performing at Creamfields Australian shows and will not be playing any tour / studio commitments globally for the interim period.

Steve’s wife is shortly expecting a baby, but due to complications Steve has gone back to be with them immediately. We only received this news recently and our thoughts are with Steve and his family at this time. Steve was looking forward to playing Creamfields OZ and touring Australia, which is one of his favourite places to perform. We will see Steve in Australia soon!

We will be extending some of our international artist’s set times for all shows. Enjoy the day and see you up front!

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