Gerard Way’s New Song ‘Millions’ Surfaces Online

A recording of the new post-My Chemical Romance Gerard Way song, titled Millions, has surfaced online. The recording was captured during a Way performance at the Sydney Opera House on Saturday, 5th October.

Way originally posted the lyrics for the song online back in July, having previously tweeted “I’m hoping next week I can tell you what I’m up to next, well, like part of it…” At the time, he made no indication of just when fans would get to hear the track.

In Sydney for the Opera House’s Graphic event, in which Way interviewed comic book legend and personal hero Grant Morrison, Way took the opportunity to debut the new track, with a savvy fan capturing the audio and posting it online.

Way’s band, My Chemical Romance, announced their dissolution in March of this year. Readers can check out the recording, with lyrics, below.

(Via Alternative Press)

Watch: Gerard Way – Millions (Fan Lyric Video)

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