Pantha Du Prince Announces Sydney Headline Show

While in town for both Sugar Mountain Festival and Tasmania’s MONA FOMA next year, Germany’s Pantha Du Prince will be performing a headline show at Sydney’s Oxford Art Factory.

Anticipation for the producer’s return is peaking, given that earlier this year he released latest album The Triad. The record comes off the back a series of remixes and reworks of offerings form Depeche Mode to Bloc Party, Animal Collective and more.

Using said remixes, Pantha Du Prince has successfully ignited dance floors and parties the world over. Audio is only one aspect of a Pantha Du Prince gig though, the other being the visual counterpart, better described as “self-programmed lucid video projections”.

It’s been a while between drinks since the last Pantha Du Prince show down under, so no doubt fans are frothing over another fix of his haunting and minimal spin on the techno universe.

Catch details of his upcoming Sydney headline show, below.

Watch: Pantha du Prince – ‘The Winter Hymn’ (Feat. Queens)

Pantha Du Prince Australian Tour Dates 2017

Tickets available now

Saturday, 22nd January

Oxford Art Factory, Sydney

Tickets: Handsome Tours

Also performing at Sugar Mountain Festival and MOFO.

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