Randy Blythe Fan Petition Garners Response From US State Department

Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe’s recent indictment on the charge of manslaughter in the Czech Republic led to a petition from supporters looking to bring the impending trial to the attention of the White House. With a total of 29,009 signatures so far, the petition has received a response from the US State Department.

Written by Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Michael Posner, the response touches on Blythe’s willingness to face trial in the Czech Republic. The statement also notes that in The Department of State’s 2011 Human Rights Report of the Czech Republic, it was found that ‘the laws provide for the right to a fair trial’.

Blythe was taken into custody at Prague airport on June 27, 2012 on the charge of manslaughter over the accidental death of Daniel Nosek during a Lamb of God show in Prague on May 24, 2010. As reported by NME, Blythe was detained for 38 days before being released on August 3 and returning home to the United States.

Read: US State Department Response to Randy Blythe Fan Petition

We appreciate your inquiry about the case of D Randall Blythe, who was released from detention in the Czech Republic on August 3, 2012, and returned to the United States shortly thereafter. Mr. Blythe has publicly stated his intention to return to the Czech Republic to face trial for the alleged manslaughter of a Czech man at a concert in 2010. He recently told MTV, “It’s the correct thing for me to do … this poor young man’s family deserves some answers.” Pending Mr Blythe’s trial, we cannot discuss the details of his case. We are closely monitoring the progress of his trial.

The Department of State noted in its 2011 Human Rights Report that in the Czech Republic, ‘The laws provide for the right to a fair trial, and the independent judiciary generally enforced this right’. We expect that the Czech government will make all efforts to ensure a fair, transparent, and timely trial for Mr Blythe, and guarantee full protection of his legal rights under Czech law and his welfare.

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