Sexual Assault Charge Against Marilyn Manson Dismissed

CONTENT WARNING: The following article discusses alleged sexual assault and rape.

A sexual assault claim levelled against shock rocker Marilyn Manson has been dismissed by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.

Manson (born Brian Warner) had reportedly been accused of raping a woman in 2011, but according to documents from the LA District Attorney, the case could not proceed on account of an “expired statute of limitations” and “absence of corroboration”, Variety reports.

Following the DA’s dismissal, Manson’s lawyer Howard E. King, issued a lengthy statement (below) expressing that he was not surprised the claim had failed.

While noting the fact that the DA is obligated to investigate all claims of sexual assault no matter how outlandish, it was his belief that in this instance what was suggested was “completely delusional or part of a calculated attempt to generate publicity for the claimant’s business of selling Manson memorabilia”.

This is not the only claim Manson has faced. As reported in February, former House actress Charlyne Yi also made public allegations of sexual harassment and racism toward Manson.

Manson has remained silent and continues what has proven to be a controversial US tour co-headlined by Rob Zombie.

Read his lawyer Howard E. King’s full statement below.

If you or anyone you know needs assistance, 1800 RESPECT – the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service – can be reached on 1800 737 732.

Howard E. King Statement

“Under current policy, the Los Angeles County District Attorney must investigate any claim of sexual abuse, no matter how outlandish. It is not surprising that the District Attorney, after investigation, summarily rejected the claims made in a police report filed by a former acquaintance against Brian Warner p/k/a Marilyn Manson. The allegations made to the police were and are categorically denied by Mr. Warner and are either completely delusional or part of a calculated attempt to generate publicity for the claimant’s business of selling Manson memorabilia. The police report that spurred the investigation was accompanied by the woman’s press release and other attempts to generate publicity that fraudulently claimed she was held captive by Mr. Warner for 48 hours in 2011. Any claim of sexual impropriety or imprisonment at that, or any other, time is false.”

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