Groovin The Moo Maitland 2016 / Photo By Annette Geneva

Woman Says She Was Urinated On At Groovin The Moo

Joana Perkins was attending the Canberra leg of rural music festival Groovin The Moo on Sunday when, she claims a man urinated on her leg.

Perkins was at the festival with her 15-year old son and nine-year old daughter when she was surprised and shocked by a man who she says had relieved himself on her from behind.

“We were enjoying ourselves when I noticed a man come up behind me and I thought I sensed something that he was fiddling with his penis and unfortunately I started feeling urine running down my leg,” Ms Perkins told ABC News.

The mother-of-two believed the man to be either drunk or high and immediately after the incident attempted to rouse the attention of festival security. “I turned around and he had his penis out and was weeing on me, at which point I grabbed him by the arm and said ‘you’re coming with me’ and moved him away from where we were. Two guards came over and asked me what happened and I said ‘this guy’s just peed on me’ and you could see the pee marks and they took the guy away,” she said.

Ms Perkins says she then walked towards the exit with her son and daughter – who at this point was distraught and crying. “I wasn’t heading out to check on what the security guards were doing, but what I noticed is that they were laughing, patted the guy (who) was absolutely over-the-top inebriated or high and let him go off on his merry way,” she insisted.

Ms Perkins claims another security guard told her she was “at fault” for the incident for bringing her children to the festival, before “one of the security guards looked at me extremely aggressively and said ‘if you don’t shut up you’ll be chucked out’.”

Ms Perkins son Sam felt that the security guards had failed in their duty to keep festival patrons safe. “She was assaulted and it’s their job to keep an eye on her,” her son Sam said. “I’d expect the security company, even if someone was just being aggressive and drunk, to warn them or get them to leave.”

The Festival security provider declined to comment to the ABC on the incident.

The incident comes after two teenagers were taken to hospital a day earlier at the Maitland leg of the festival, both suffering suspected drug overdoses.

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