Josh Shipton

Josh Shipton’s head is fascinating place. A member of 4 different bands of his own inception, he created each one as an outlet for each of his musical personalities. Music Feeds recently sat down with the man – to find out what the fuck that actually means.

Meat Safe.

Meat Safe is the first Rock and Roll band I have ever played in. I have been creating sound for 20 years and I find it very liberating to not hold a bass guitar or be twiddling stomp box parameters. Meat safe is my angry 16-year-old boy that has the shits with the world and writes terrible poetry.


We get a bit sweaty in Triangle. Most of the vocals are improvised and the words that I sing are how I am feeling on the night. I would describe it as a type of  Pshyc rock avant gardish prog experimental thing.  It has been going since 2001 and was always the band that was my bass playing opus. Triangle is the side of me that has always been fascinated by the pshycadelic and the unusual. Everything that is left after everything that is wrong.

Lecter Macabre

We have turned up to a rock venue – plugged in a lot of electronic equipment, managed to widdle down an audience from 50 to 6 and terrified Christ out of everybody.

We try to glue everyone to the ground with bottom end frequencies and turn the PA up loud enough for us to stop people form moving. I try to see how much I can hurt the people who come to watch my performances. There is always going to be someone who wants to be inflicted with the pain that you want to inflict. and I think we succeed in doing that.

Lecter Macarbe is my sonic terrorist. It is my malevolent side of my personality a side that does not necessarily not want to be understood.

Marquis De Sound

This band is a little bit less toxic on the ears – I went into the studio with my friend Noel Power who is one of my main musical influences. We took a bunch of Billy Joel and Elton John Vinyl and did the most brutal horrifying recording, which turned into Hello Yellow Sick road – our first release.

It is an invitation band now days – where we get a number of musicians that we know to play – We are playing the Sound of failure festival on August the 30th at The Factory theatre which will be more of an electronic setup. There will be no rehearsal, and we will all get on stage and no one will know what they are about to do. And hopefully it will sound ghastly and horrible but wont fall apart.

It is almost anti music. Marquis De Sound expresses a side of me that jumps off things and hurts themselves and then dances around laughing with a broken leg and a mouthful of blood.

Sound of Failure (main event)

August 30, 7pm

Factory Theatre

105 Victoria Rd,  Enmore

$20 (+booking fee)

Book online NOW at

Photo by Margaret Brain

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