Liberty County – All That Good Energy

Liberty County are all geared up to hit the stage at SFX before the Jager Uprising final on the 28th. With a new website and new video for the song Caged, Steve from the band took some time to let us know what’s going on and to encourage everyone to come and have a good time with them this Saturday.

Music Feeds: What’s new in the Liberty County camp?

Liberty County: A few things are in the pipeline, the first is the Jager Uprising Final on the 28th of April which we’re all working hard towards. Our first Video Clip for our song Caged is currently in the writing process.  Our website just went live this week and our media pack is about to get printed and be delivered to the pigeon holes of radio stations and people in the biz. It is a very exciting time for us.

MF: Tell us about the band?

LC: Liberty County formed at the start of 2009. The band members all met through unique coincidences. But from the start we had good chemistry in all aspects: playing, writing and just being mates. We released our first EP late 2009 and started gigging around the same time. We released our second EP in late 2010. Our music can be described as adult contemporary rock, influenced by Coldplay, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters and Incubus.

MF: Having released a few EPs now, are there plans for a full length record?

LC: Not at the moment, we released two EPs in the space of a year so we’re still riding out those 15 tunes, though we’re always writing. So chances are the next release will hopefully be a full length album.

MF: What’s something about the band we may not know?

LC: Our band name was a mistake, but stuck.

MF: Having been around the Sydney scene for a couple of years – what’s the best and worst part of the scene here?

LC: When you’re on the lowest cog in the music machine a lot about the music scene in Sydney is against you. It’s only hard work that lets you start turning the worst into the best. But at the end of the day when you do a great show, the planets align and the band’s playing/the sound/ and the people are all on a level of their own. Best and worst is only two sides of a spectrum and doesn’t compare to the feeling from all that good energy.

MF: You’re about to play SFX this weekend, what can readers expect from a LIberty County show?

LC: I’m a bit stumped with this one, but to quote a random gig going punter after our last SFX show “You guys were fuckin’ sick.” Maybe they can expect to be blown away? For us we’d like them to take away our music and the message each song conveys, whilst also enjoying the performance.

MF: What does the rest of the year hold for you guys?

LC: At the moment we’re looking to expand our fan base and chase down avenues to get our music out there. Hoping to get outside of Sydney for a few shows. Also more media, videos, photos and hopefully some new tunes.

MF: If you were to make a mix tape, what would be the first track on it?

LC: I can’t speak for the other boys but mine would be Lazy EyeSilversun Pickups

Liberty County play SFX on Saturday with Sex In Columbia, Mayhem Addition and The Tillegra Damned

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