Source: Supplied

Diplo’s São Paulo Street Party Set Interrupted Mid-Way By Shooting

Playing a street party in Brazil’s São Paulo this past Tuesday, Diplo was interrupted mid-set by a shooting in the crowd. There were two gunshots heard from the crowd, according to Remezcla, a man was shot in the stomach and a woman in her thigh.

Witnesses believe the man who was shot had tried to steal a chain from another man’s neck, when he retaliated with fire. It’s believed the woman may have been associated with the thief.

At the time of the shooting, Diplo was performing on a truck, above the crowd. As the shots were fired, security pushed him down on the roof before removing him from the event.

A witness and photographer, Amauri Nehn, who spoke with UOL said, “Diplo was on top of the trio before introducing himself, taking pictures of the crowd. Someone heard a shot and warned the people who were on top of the trio to bend over. Then I took pictures of the security guard protecting him. There was a boy who was hit in the abdomen and another girl hit in the leg.”

“After Diplo descended into the trio, the organization announced that the show had been canceled.”

Diplo shared some of Nehn’s images via Instagram with the statement, “This is a tough country.. It’s bullet proof, maybe even invincible.. Its definitely blessed.. We were actually ready 15 minutes later to get on and do a show for everyone in Sao Paulo just as we made sure the medical teams were good.. But that’s when thunder and lightning started to pour down as if Brazil started to cry. I will see you next year Sao Paulo because you know we love you.”

See the post in full below.

No fatalities occurred from the incident.

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