Whoever said that stoners lack motivation is a goddamn liar.
And if you need proof, just take a look at this: a Twitter account dedicated solely to keeping your royal Aussie highnesses up to date with the daily soundtrack to your #420blazeit.
That’s right. The account, which is “not in any way affiliated with the good people of triple j”, catalogues the dankest tunes playing at the stoner’s witching hour on a daily basis, in celebration of the bonglord populace’s collective love affair with sweet Mary Jane.
For instance, the past couple of days have seen the honour go to Spit Syndicate’s Know Better, Lapsley’s Cliff and Santigold’s Rendezvous Girl.
Sadly, there’s been no Dunies or StiFi to date, so maybe Triple JAY should get on dat.
And they just might. The Twitter account has already caught the attention of hosts Dom Alessio, Zan Rowe and Declan Byrne, who’ve all tweeted their nods of approval.
So sit back, relax and keep some Doritos on hand as you listen to the sweet sounds of 420, 2016.
Just remember to inhale.
— Double J Mornings (@doublejmornings) April 7, 2016
@spitsyndicate you see there's now something dedicated to this exact thing @triplejblaze
— Declan Byrne (@dec_byrne) April 7, 2016
https://t.co/jVOgSVGnyh pic.twitter.com/JMPVR1Z8TZ
— Music Feeds (@musicfeeds) April 7, 2016