Harvest Festival: Flaming Lips Fans Urged To Drive Or Car Share

Fans who intend to see The Flaming Lips play at Harvest Festival in Melbourne on the weekend have been urged by oragnisers to think about their transport options or face being stranded at Werribee Park.

After the late release of the Melbourne timetable this week, it has become clear that the last shuttle buses departure time doesn’t exactly fit in well with the finishing time of The Flaming Lips headline set.

The bus will leave at 11.07pm, roughly 22 minutes after the band finishes their set on the Windmill Stage. This will not leave enough time for most punters to travel across the grounds and join the buses departure on time. A few options have been suggested by organisers:

Return Bus Travel

Melbourne On The Move – You can purchase a return bus ticket from http://bit.ly/HARVESTbus

$43.70 per person return

Car Share or Parking

Car sharing website Jayride – Info can be found here http://bit.ly/HARVESTjaycar

Limited car parking is available on site.

Earlier Train Option

Train will leave station at 11.02pm – Shuttle buses will depart the venue at 10.27pm

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