Motorhead frontman and all around sick cunt Lemmy has spoken out against The Complete Early Years Box Set, saying that the limited edition 15 disc collectors item, which comes in a Motorhead skull with light-up red eyes, is stupidly overpriced and has been put out by the band’s label without any involvement on the band’s behalf.
“Unfortunately greed once again rears its yapping head. I would advise against it even for the most rabid completists! Motörhead have no control over what’s done with these early songs, and don’t want fans to think that the band is involved in putting out such a costly box set. The band hopes fans will choose these new releases over this outrageously expensive box set,” said Lemmy. How dare the labels. You don’t go ahead and release Lemmy’s music without his permission even if you have the legal rights. You just agree, nod and politely avoid staring at his facial growths.
Lemmy, however, is far from the first artist to complain about record label profiteering, with Elvis Costello and Trent Reznor both speaking out recently against the reissues of some of their early material, Reznor labelling the reissue of Pretty Hate Machine as “record label bullshit,” and Costello quipping that his latest box-set was an ”elaborate hoax [as] the price appears to be either a misprint or a satire”