Eight years of waiting sure has built up a lot of anticipation amongst Australian fans of Blink 182. Tickets to the band’s sidewaves hit the market this morning, and for Melbourne and Brissy, they were gone almost quicker than they appeared.
In a matter of hours, pop-punk fans snapped up every ticket available for the massive Myer Music Bowl in Melbourne, and Brisbane followed suit soon after, clearly suffering from the same case of Blink fever. The RNA showgrounds reached ticket allocation level in no time at all. No real surprise there, as surely everyone was expecting these tickets to simply vanish.
So that just leaves Sydney left! Well, sorta. Word is that mosh tix are totally gone, probably leaving tickets for the nose-bleed seated section, but hey, well worth it.
As I’m sure you all already know, Blink 182 will also be appearing at Soundwave Festival, which is already sold out. So by this stage, if you haven’t nabbed your ticket…sorry, yo.