Molly Meldrum is showing that he is beginning to recount things from his past, including things from his long career in TV and music. But, he still has a long way to go, while he spends his recovery at the Epworth rehabilitation ward since being released from hospital last month.
Molly’s brother Brian spoke to about a his recent triumphs. This past week he recalled everything from the classic song The Real Thing, which Meldrum produced for Russell Morris in 1969.
“I spoke to him the other day about the making of The Real Thing,” says Brian. “I asked him who played the keyboards – it was Brian Cadd. I thought, let’s just see how he goes here.”
“Well, he went through the whole thing, he spoke for 10 minutes about it. He knew everything about it.”
“Watching him every day getting more and more aware of what is going on and being able to recall things is heartening. In a general sense his improvement has been enormous.”
Despite his recent improvement, only Brian Meldrum and his wife, Gill, and Cohn are allowed to see Molly.