Music Feeds LIVE: Born Lion Streaming This Wednesday

This Sydney four-piece formed in the ashes of The Watt Riot in early 2012, dubbing themselves Born Lion and committing themselves to crafting heavy, jagged rhythms, and hard, neanderthal beats, laced with raw, powerful vocals. They’ll be bringing this dangerous musical concoction into Music Feeds Studio this Wednesday.

Releasing their debut EP in 2012, Born Lion have established themselves as masters at unleashing acrid jams both in studio and on stage. Listing their influences, they name-check Hemingway, Bukowski, Bret Easton Ellis, and Chuck Palahniuk, so it’s only natural their live shows are such an intense affair. Their stage skills saw them share the stage with Metallica at this year’s Soundwave Festival.

If you’re looking for a hard musical kick to the gut, tune in right here after 7:00PM AEST this Wednesday, 18th September, when Born Lion enter Music Feeds Studio to deliver what’s sure to be one of the Studios’ most electrifying sessions.

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Listen: Born Lion – D for Danger

Photos: Born Lion Live Stream Behind The Scenes – Music Feeds Studio

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