New Tool Album Looks Set For Early 2014 Release

It’s been somewhat of a rollercoaster ride, this new Tool album, but drummer Danny Carey has provided an update that we hope is the most accurate so far. According to the sticks man, the record he once said would be released this year will now be released next year, and thankfully it will be in the first half.

Speaking with Loudwire, Carey explained that, at this point in time, it’s himself with guitarist Adam Jones and bassist Justin Chancellor who are currently writing the record with Maynard expected to drop his vocals in the near future. Carey also confirms that we can expect the same proggy Tool sound we’ve come to know and love, as regardless of what the band tries that’s always how it ends up sounding:

“It’s still the three of us right now and [we’ll be joined by Maynard] soon, you know, just working on all our parts and working on our compositions together. Stylistically, we’re trying to push things in different ways, but it always comes out sounding like Tool no matter what we’re trying to do. We’re working every day on it and it’s going really well, so I’m hoping we’ll get into the studio by the end of the year.”

This is the latest in some frustrating back and forth between Carey – who has been happy to drop updates on the record – and Keenan, who contradicted his bandmate by telling back in February media that that no actual songs have been written yet. While the 2013 tag may have been somewhat ambitious, Carey now seems confident that it will be an early 2014 release:

“I doubt it [will be released in 2013]. Right now, since we haven’t started tracking stuff at this point, it’ll be hard. We could have the record finished by the end of the year — that’s a possibility – but the logistics of getting it manufactured and getting the record company in line and all this stuff, I doubt we’ll be able to get it out before Christmas. We’ll see how it goes. Most likely, it’ll be early 2014.”

We wouldn’t recommend you hold your breath for this one, as any moment now Maynard could pipe up and tell us, I dunno, that his wine business is booming so the Tool album won’t ever happen, or something along those lines.

(Via Metal Hammer)

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