OutsideIn Rewards Lineup Guesses With Festival Passes

Organisers of acclaimed dance event OutsideIn orchestrated a bit of a Facebook guessing game earlier today and in the process may have revealed the first act to be named on the event’s 2014 lineup will be producer Giraffage.

Over the course of the day, the OutsideIn Facebook page revealed three photo clues about the act ranging from the the cryptic to the obvious. The first was an image of the Golden Gate Bridge, situated in the producer’s home town of San Francisco.

Next, came the cryptic drawing of two figures hugging, pointing towards Giraffage’s 2013 track Feels. While that clue proved a little too obscure for some, the last picture clue, an image of Australia’s foremost giraffe Heathy Harold, sent the message loud and clear.

Organisers have promised to award the first person who guessed the correct artist a double pass to this year’s festival. They’ll be hosting anther round of the lineup guessing game on their Facebook page next Wednesday and all winners will be will be announced when the full-line up is revealed later this month.

OutsideIn Festival 2014 will be held on Saturday, 29th November 2014 and according to the event’s Facebook page, will host the event’s biggest lineup yet in an entirely brand new venue.

Watch: Giraffage – Feels

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