Police Issue Warning To Potential Falls Festival Trouble Makers

Though they acknowledge that it’s the minority of punters who get up to no good, Marion Bay area police have issued a heads-up to anyone thinking of getting out of hand at the forthcoming Falls Festival.

As per Tassie’s The Mercury, festivalgoers will be met with uniformed and plain clothed police officers as well as a squad of sniffer dogs. Inspector Doug Rossiter has stated that “the majority of people attending these types of events behave responsibly,” adding, “however, there is always an element of the crowd who for various reasons decide to misbehave and disrupt the experience for others. We are there to help ensure people attending the festival feel safe and can enjoy the event without incident.”

Also a major concern to authorities is the commute about to be undertaken by around 16,000 ticketholders. The normally very chilled Marion Bay is sure to become highly congested. With the increase in traffic, police have reminded people to be patient and considerate to one another.

“While every effort will be made to minimise disruption and delays, there will be breath testing and other traffic operations conducted in the area in the interests of road safety,” Inspector Rossiter said. “Please remember that the most important thing is you arrive safely at your destination. Have a plan for how you’re going to get home and make sure you do not get behind the wheel if you are affected by alcohol or drugs.”

For those wanting a smooth entrance and or cheeky exit, according to The Mercury, the traffic nightmare times will be afternoon and evening on Saturday, December 29; early morning onwards on Saturday, December 30; and early morning onwards on Tuesday, January 1.

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