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Video Surfaces Of A Young Taylor Swift Rocking Out To Paramore

Paramore pocket rocket Hayley Williams has long been part of Taylor Swift‘s famed friendship squad.

The pair’s BFF-ship has been well-documented over the years. From snacking on fro-yo’s to engaging in drunken Dashboard Confessional singalongs, the talented gal pals have been inventing #squadgoals since long before either of them conquered the worlds of pop and pop-punk, respectively:

And apparently, before they were flaunting their A-list alliance in blockbuster music videos, they were busy cheering each other on (somewhat) under the public’s radar.

Case in point: a video that’s just emerged of Tay rocking out in the crowd of a Paramore concert circa 2009.

And just in case you can’t remember back that far, 2009 was a simpler time, when T-Swizzle was still a corn-fed country girl riding high on the success of her 2nd studio album Fearless, which of course contained her breakout hit Love Story.

While a still carrot-topped Hayley Williams had just released another pop-punk tour de force in Paramore’s third studio LP Brand New Eyes.


But their paths collided when Tay showed up at the band’s concert at Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee.

Video footage from the night – which is only just starting to go viral after being unearthed by Alt Press – shows 20-year-old Tay loudly and obnoxiously singing along and dancing to Paramore’s hit Misery Business (accompanied by her friend and backup singer Liz Huett) as the band performs it live onstage.

And look, you may still think that their long friendship is just a strategically orchestrated PR con, but this candid clip would suggest otherwise.

Especially considering that Swift had some pretty shitty seats to the show.

Anyway, as Tay would say, haters gonna hate hate hate etc.

Check it out below.



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