To be honest, prior to watching this video I had nothing but bad things to say about the ICP, what with Juggalows and all, but after watching them pick apart Carly Rae Jepsen‘s Call Me Maybe, I have found a new appreciation for these dudes, Woop Woop!
The clip very simply films Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope as they sit back and watch the music video. The lads ask some very insightful questions about the clip that will have you thinking twice, Including “Does the shirtless guy think Carly Rae is underage?” and “How can I dream about romance covers when I get knocked out?” Wisdom.
The running commentary is nothing but hilarious. While they rip it to shreds, the dudes seem to say what we’re all thinking, including that they too would ‘hit it’, as in Carly but also the love interest, and hit as in hit him in the throat.
Take a look at the video below and expect to find a whole new level of respect for the Insane Clown Posse.