Wavves announces sideshows

Master of scuzzy beach pop Wavves has just announced he will be playing sideshows off the back of his appearance at Golden Plains Festival in March next year. Having ridden a ‘wave’ of success since the release of his bedroom recorded albums in 2009 rocketed him to blog driven fame, being touted as the next big thing, the buzz culminating with the release of his much acclaimed King Of The Beach album, Wavves and his music encapsulate the apathy, boredom and fun loving nature of today’s over saturated youth culture.

With Bleeding Knees Club on hand to support, and with bassist Stephen Pope and drummer Billy Hayes, formerly the backing band for the late Jay Reatard, this show is bound to get all the lo-fi loving indie pop/rock fans frothing at the mouth and who knows where else.

Wavves Australian Tour 2011


Tuesday 8 March

The Zoo

Tickets from Oztix by ph 1300 762 545, online at www.oztix.com.au, from the venue online at thezoo.com.au and all the usual outlets


Wednesday 9 March

Manning Bar

Tickets from venue online at www.manningbar.com and ph 1300 762 545 and all Oztix outlets. Also available from Moshtix online www.moshtix.com.au, ph. 1300 Get Tix (438 849), on your mobile via www.moshtix.mobi and Moshtix outlets.


Friday 11 March

The Bakery

Tickets available from the venue online at www.nowbaking.com.au and Heatseeker online at www.heatseeker.com.au and all Heatseeker outlets.

Golden Plains Festival

Saturday 12 – Monday 14th March

Meredith Supernatural Amphitheatre



Monday 14 March

Corner Hotel

Tickets from the venue online at www.cornerhotel.com, ph. 9427 9198 or from the Corner Box Office (57 Swan St Richmond 12-8 Mon-Sat) and in store at Polyester Records.

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