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It’s May The Fourth So Have A ‘Sgt. Pepper’s’ And Star Wars Mash-Up Album

Today is a sacred day for Star Wars fans and we have something special to celebrate it.

US covers band Palette-Swap Ninja have somehow managed to combine Star Wars with The Beatles‘ seminal album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band for a parody mash-up album of epic proportions.

It tells the story of Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope with the music of Sgt. Pepper’s and they’ve aptly titled it Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans.

It’s more than just a May The Fourth celebration though. It also commemorates the 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ album and the 40th anniversary of the Star Wars film.

The movie and the album are as iconic as each other for completely different reasons and it’s both strange and rewarding to see them both come together.

“This whole project comes from a place of deep love and respect, so we had to take the time to do it justice,” singer Dan Amrich and keyboardist Jude Kelley said about the album on their website.

“The final album needed to be high quality, accurate, and entertaining on repeat listenings. Once we settled on merging A New Hope with Sgt. Pepper’s, we completely committed ourselves to turning these two sacred cows into the ultimate double cheeseburger.”

Listen to the whole thing below and May the Fourth be with you.

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