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Queen’s Brian May Says They Might Be Playing ‘Fire Fight Australia’ Bushfire Benefit Show

Queen lead guitarist and environmental activist, Brian May has said he and the rest of the band have been in talks about performing at Fire Fight Australia.

The new, just-announced bushfire benefit show will take place at Sydney’s ANZ Stadium on Sunday, 16th February. Fire Fight Australia has been organised by Aussie promoters, TEG Dainty and TEG Live.

As reported by Evening Standard, Brian May mentioned they’d been asked to do a benefit show while he was speaking outside of Parliament in Westminster. He was there to promote animal welfare organisation, Save Me, an organisation he co-founded.

“We have been approached to do a benefit concert, or be part of a benefit concert, a bit like Live Aid, if you like, to try and help out the victims of the fire,” said May.

“Of course, I am very concerned about the animals. There’s 24 people who have died which is a tragedy in itself, but half a billion animals is almost inconceivable.

“You are a looking at a radical change of wildlife in Australia. It’s like a mass extinction, which is something so awful.

“And we can do nothing about it really. We could have done something about it in the past.”

May said that no performers have made announcements so far, as they don’t yet know what the situation is.

“This is like six weeks away but we are looking at doing something like that,” said May.

Fire Fight Australia organisers say the benefit concert will be, “a major musical event which will see globally renowned artists from Australia and around the world come together to perform and show solidarity with people whose lives have been disrupted by the bushfires.”

Fire Fight Australia 2020

Sunday, 16th February

ANZ Stadium, Sydney

Donate to the Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery here.

Donate to Fire Relief Fund for First Nations Communities here.

Donate to the NSW Rural Fire Services here.

Donate to QLD Fire & Rescue here.

Donate to the Country Fire Association of Victoria here.

Donate to the South Australian Country Fire Service here.

Donate to WIRES here and the RSPCA Relief here.

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