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Enjoy Liam Stapleton’s High School Glam Rock Band’s Single ‘Sabre Attack’

Nova 919 host and former triple j presenter Liam Stapleton‘s past as a member of a glam rock band has been unearthed, and their debut (and only) single is available to listen.

Yep, when Stapleton was in high school he was a member of Love Sabre, and they only ever released one song – ‘Sabre Attack’. And Ben Harvey gave the song its commercial radio debut earlier today.

“It’s part of my history that I’m not necessarily proud of, it’s something I really wish we weren’t talking about quite frankly,” Stapleton said of the song. Inspired.

The band only performed the song once, at his high school, and he made an entrance on a fake donkey. Yes, a fake donkey.

“It was like a donkey they used, I went to a Christian school, they used it mainly for the nativity scene play around Christmas but I thought, pretty cool entrance if I came in on that,” he said.

He also gave some words to kids in high school that are aspiring to be musicians.

“I would stay stick with it, you’re not going to get it right first shot…” he said.

“I’d also say if you’re a little bit embarrassed about the fact that you wore a ballet costume, a lot of eyeliner and pointy sort of boots, just destroy the evidence, make sure all the people around you that had footage at the time get rid of it, and make sure it’s removed off line so in seven years when you’re doing a radio show no one is going to pull up the past.”

Words of wisdom.

Listen to ‘Sabre Attack’ below, and listen to the full segment here.


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