Girl and Girl
Girl and Girl | Credit: Tayla Lauren Ralph

Track By Track: Girl and Girl Break Down New EP ‘Divorce’

Songwriter Kai James describes Girl and Girl’s second EP, Divorce, as a “maturing of the Girl and Girl sound.” Divorce arrives 12 months after the Southern Queensland indie rock outfit’s debut EP, A Typical Friday Night (Shame, Sex and Misery). In contrast to the sarcastic tenor of the band’s previous release, Divorce is rooted in genuine introspection.

“My folks’ divorce and the years that followed truly were some of the most difficult times of my life,” James said. The record – which features James on lead vocals and guitar, his Aunty Liss on drums, Jayden Williams on guitar and Fraser Bell on bass – was preceded by the singles ‘Dance Now’, ‘Garden Song’ and ‘Divorce 2’. Here, James breaks down the EP, track by track.

Girl and Girl: Divorce

1. Divorce 1

This song I started to write so long ago, very near the time of my folks’ actual divorce. I was in a pretty terrible place at the start of writing and a pretty good one by the end of it. The song reflects that; a slow build towards this large instrumental crescendo, which you could say represents growth. The track draws inspiration from the likes of Sigur Ros and M83.

2. Dance Now

‘Dance Now’ is Girl and Girl’s first released co-write. Our ex-bassist Coby Williams and I wrote the track together and it’s basically a big celebration of love. It really holds this insane energy live and is so much fun to yell and scream over.

3. Strangers

I’d just moved to the big city and was meeting new people, doing new things, which can be daunting at times, motivating yourself to go out and have all these new experiences. But if you set those feelings to a cowboy backing track and tell yourself, “I will go out with strangers,” all of a sudden you find yourself at Black Bear Lodge at 3am, gin and tonic in each hand, having the time of your life.

4. Garden Song

‘Garden Song’ speaks to the pressures of growing up, especially during that phase where you’re yet to forge your own path or identity and you’re feeling all these pressures from those around you about how to feel and how to act. The track aims to capture those strong feelings of heartache and longing that can arise during this time. Perhaps you’re still feeling like a child, or maybe those feelings of incompetence are lingering.

5. I See a Man

The conventional man does not exist. This masc, buff, angry, tough guy is such a scam, and you can be and act however you want as a boy or man. This track is just looking in the mirror and just accepting what feels right to you.

6. Divorce 2

The ‘Divorce 1′ alternate is much more accusatory. It’s reflective of a shorter time span around my folks’ divorce. It’s a lot of what I wish I had have said at the time.

Girl and Girl – ‘Divorce 2’

Further Reading

Love Letter to a Record: Girl and Girl on Black Country, New Road’s ‘Ants From Up There’

Track By Track: Ruby Gill on Her Debut Album ‘I’m Gonna Die With This Frown on My Face’

Track By Track: Montaigne Draws Back the Curtain on ‘Making It!’

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