Chocolate Jesus Presents MUM @ World Bar, Friday July 15th

On Friday July 15 Chocolate Jesus Industries will take over MUM at World Bar for one night only. Chocolate Jesus Industries have a rich history in putting huge bills together (Double

Dragon, SIAMESE) and Friday July 15 will be one of the biggest. Click attending here to add your name to the discount list.

Headlining the event are Reckless Vagina. After less than a year of playing shows they have built up a rabid following. Often compared to bands as diverse as Super Furry Animals and Augie March, the band defy convention while embracing it, one jounro commenting that ‘they sound like The Arcade Fire if they listened to way too much Ween and Mogwai, or if The Edge started a slightly bogan Aussie pop band.”

Here’s their self-made clip for their song Hit & Miss

Along for the ride are the brilliant No Art who will be offering their unique take on classic noise pop, while Sydney’s masters of ‘post coital punk’ Whipped Cream Chargers are also on board, fresh from a recent tour to Melbourne in support of their single Rasputin.

Disco Club are bringing the dance, while representing the hip hop side of things are FBI darling Big Dumb Kid, Old Men Of Moss Mountain and White Ox. Sydney shoegaze ambassadors Virgo Rising will be making it loud downstairs and newcomers Kokomo will be bringing the sunshine upstairs.

DJ’s on the night are Cracker Barrell (Holy Soul), Jack Shit, St Lazzarre (The Egyptian), Pele, iL Foe, Hands Hyland, Penrith Oil, Leroy Madid and Dj Ibouti.

If you’re wallet’s a bit light, head over to the facebook event and click attending you’ll be put on the discount list

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