Deadmau5 Takes On DJ Pauly D Via Twitter

What a great way to start a Friday – with news that visionary producer and DJ Deadmau5 shut down, in a very public manner, Jersey Shore scum Pauly D, oh wait, it’s DJ Pauly D now.

And the best part was that DJ Pauly D totally set himself up, giving the power to fans to comment on his video clip in the form of a tweet:

‘How do you like the clip?” – @DJPaulyD

It was now that Deadmau5 took aim and fired, responding with brutal honesty and the classic Deadmau5 cheek that we have all come to see of late:

“@DJPaulyD Well since you asked, i didn’t really enjoy it. It looked like it cost about $150 to make, and nothing really creative about it” – @deadmau5

The battle continued until only a matter of hours ago, with DJ Pauly D and Deadmau5 trading blows via tweets, with the final word coming from Deadmau5:

@JerseyShore411 every tools useful!

As Jerry Springer would say, nobody wins when we put the wellbeing of others behind our petty squabbles, but god it feels good to see someone sticking it to a douche bag.

Check out DJ Pauly D’s clip here and see who’s side you’re on:

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