Obviously wanting to strike while the creative iron is hot, Frank Ocean has revealed in an interview with Zane Lowe that the follow-up to the uber successful CHANNEL Orange is a lot closer than any of us previously thought.
It was only a matter of days ago that media caught on to the fact that Ocean had begun scheming a new album, but according to him “I’m like what, 10, 11 songs into this next thing.” If you dug the 2012 release, you’ll be stoked to know that Ocean will be going with a similar vibe, adding, “I don’t know what to tell you other than that it’s another cohesive thing bordering on a concept record again.”
“At the end of Channel Orange, there’s Golden Girl and this beach scene, and I want to extend that feeling to the next record altogether to make it that theme. So I’m going to Bora Bora when I get back…and work for a few weeks.” He adds.
As Ology points out, there’s no way to know how relevant these details will be to the final product and I swear each Frank Ocean track is like 3-4 ‘songs’ in 1. Anyway.
Ocean has pricked up a lot of ears with the mention of Danger Mouse, telling Lowe, “I’m getting in with Danger Mouse when I get back to the States. Usually when I meet those guys, we’ll sit. If we happen to write something, we do. It’s just cool to feel it out first. It has to be right just as far as chemistry goes. But I love Tame Impala. Tyler [The Creator] put me on to Tame Impala.”
At this rate, more details to come soon.