Future Music Festival Adelaide 2013 – Timetable, Map And Transport Information

Adelaide – It’s time. In only a matter of hours, Future Music Festival will be unleashed upon Bonython Park. Here we have your timetable, map and transport information, so along with your ticket, sunscreen and all that – you now have everything you’ll need.

The torch will be passed to you from Melbourne, who held the event yesterday. By all accounts, the events seem to be varying degrees of awesome, so don’t fret, good things are on the way.

I can personally recommend catching The Prodigy if you get the opportunity, though it will be a tough call picking your headliner. As you will notice, there are going to be clashes, but for the extra keen, some solid planning will no doubt see you running between stages mid-set.


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On Monday 11 March 2013, a special tram timetable will operate for the Adelaide Cup (held at Morphettville Racecourse) and Future Music Festival (held in Bonython Park).

Tram services will operate to the following frequency:

Every 10 minutes from Glenelg from 8 am to 10.30 pm

Every 10 minutes to Glenelg from 9 am to 11.30 pm

Adelaide Cup ticket holders will be able to travel free to the Morphettville Racecourse stop.

People travelling to Future Music Festival can travel free on the Tram between South Terrace, city and the Adelaide Entertainment Centre.

For more information hit up the Adelaide Metro site.

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