Hudson Mohawke reckons Kanye West and Drake haven’t paid him for his work.
As Pitchfork reports, the Scottish producer let fly an angry tweet last night, accusing the pair of ripping him off by using his beats without paying, and threatened to leak their music online as vengeance:
However, he quickly reneged on the threat, deleting the original tweet and explaining that he’d thought better of it after considering the potential legal shitstorm that his actions would cause.
“No I don’t have the 10 milly to deal w the consequences,” he tweeted, after conceding that the move would likely trigger a “huge legal battle” and likely prevent him from releasing his own music.
He also offered this pearl of advice to any up-and-coming producers out there: “Mainstream rappers have less business sense than your mum.”
Mohawke has musical credits on both Yeezy’s recently released LP The Life of Pablo and Drake’s 2013 album Nothing Was The Same.
As an aside, Ye’s apparently been spending a bit of time on The Pirate Bay lately which does not bode well for Mohawke’s accusations of musical tight-arsery.
Read the rest of Mohawke’s tweets below.