I Killed The Prom Queen Return With New Singer

I Killed The Prom Queen have announced on facebook that they will be back for the Destroy Music Tour and it won’t just be a one off.

After playing their aptly named Say Goodbye tour in 2008 the band went their separate ways. Jona Weinhofen (Guitarist) spoke to Blunt Magazine stating they had taken a break to “Do their own thing and grow as musicians”. Each band member has gone on to do their own musical projects.

After the announcement of Destroy Music 2011 on March 9th (which has iktpq on the line up with The Amity Affliction, Deez Nuts, and Of Mice & Men) the band posted a facebook message saying that this isnt a one-off…this is the future!. However the bands former vocalists, Michael Crafter and Lee Stacy will not be returning for the reunion, instead ex-The Red Shore singer Jamie Hope will be joining them instead.

There will is likely to be more tour dates announced after Destroy Music in May.

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