Odd Future have turned up to the Sydney Big Day Out in their ‘Big Gay Out’ T-shirts. The group are having a dig at the Big Day Out organisers for kicking them off the line-up in New Zealand following complaints from locals referring to their lyrics as being ‘homophobic and misogynistic’.
Odd Future first sold the ‘Big Gay Out’ T-shirts in New Zealand. They decided to go and play their own show instead of the Big Day Out and the shirts were revealed at that show.
Chanel V reporter Jane Gazzo was backstage before the band went on in Sydney:
@janegazzo: About to watch Odd Future. They’re wearing t-shirts saying “Big Gay Out” in response to the ‘you’re homophobic’ comments directed at them.
Before they went on stage, Tyler tweeted:
@fucktyler: Hi, I Go On Stage In 5 Minutes And I Have Anixiety. I Have To Take. A Shit. OMG. Big Gay Out.
Odd Future are on stage now in the Boiler Room at Sydney BDO. The crowd is massive.
Watch: Odd Future Talk Big Gay Out