Image Via Facebook / Pat Stevenson

Photographer Allegedly Coward-Punched At Sydney City Limits Festival

A photographer working at Saturday’s Sydney City Limits festival has identified the man who allegedly coward punched him at the event, using the power of social media.

Pat Stevenson posted a photo of his alleged attacker on Facebook yesterday, asking users to help him make an ID, and within an hour he found himself with a name to give to police.

In his post, the live music snapper claimed two drunken male punters had begun harassing him while he was attempting to photograph a group of girls, refusing to get out of the shot. Then, after Stevenson humoured them by agreeing to take a photo on one of the girls’ phones, one of the men blind-sided him with a punch to the head.

His post included the phone photo, which showed the man accused of hitting him.

In a new Facebook post, the photog tells fans: “The gronk who assaulted me while I was working at SCL music festival in Sydney on Saturday has been identified, I have his details (wow facebook, that took 1 hour) and I am reporting him to police.”

“No one should fear being assaulted at a music festival or anywhere for that matter,” he continues.

“I want to thank you all for giving a fuck about me to take your time and share, I truly appreciate it.”

Music Feeds has contacted police to find out whether charges will be laid.

Yesterday, the cops said Sydney City Limits attendees were “generally well behaved”, despite two people being arrested for assaulting police and 62 others charged with drug possession.

You can read our review of Sydney City Limits debut event right here.

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